¡Ya estamos preparados para la Navidad! En Literacy le dedicaremos estas dos semanitas a aprender cuentos y tradiciones de la cultura anglosajona.
🎅 Vocabulary
🎅 "The Gingerbread Boy" story.
🎅 Activities
- Design a Gingerbread Boy:
- Game: Throw the die and draw a Gingerbread Man.
- Story puppets: Act out the story.
- Online game: starfall.com
Click on the image |
- Gingerbread cookies:You will need...
By http://minds-in-bloom.com/gingerbread-man-recipe-in-pictures/ |
🎅 More Christmas...
- Make snow! (Pinterest)
- RECIPE: Baking soda and shaving cream (bicarbonato y espuma de afeitar).
- Put the baking soda in a container and cool it in the fridge for a few hours.
- Then, mix it with shaving cream until the desire consistency is reached.